Gskyer telescopes are some of the best-selling beginner telescopes around but finding information for them can be a challenge. They do not come with manuals to speak of, and there are only a few videos about them. The only websites I can find devoted to them seem to be nothing but sites trying to sell them to you. Even worse, some seem to blatantly use other people’s work and call it their own. I decided to see what I could do to fix that with this Gskyer Telescope website.
Who is behind this?

Hello! My name is Allan Hall and I am an amateur astronomer who enjoys helping others get into the hobby. I have published several books on the subject as well as run a fairly good-sized website that is primarily about astronomy and astrophotography. Of course, I have a YouTube channel as well. I hope to bring as much of that to this website aimed specifically at the new, or future, Gskyer telescope user.
The goal of this Gskyer Telescope website is to educate visitors about Gskyer telescopes while hopefully providing a little entertainment along the way. This includes the differences in models, reviews, how-tos, information on accessories, and much more. If you have a question or comment I don’t address, please feel free to share!
What makes this site different?
Take a look around and you might notice video and pictures of me with the telescopes and accessories. Every telescope, and every accessory I use and talk about I actually own and purchased because I think that matters. After all, how can someone tell you how good or bad something is, or how to use it, if they don’t have one? is still heavily under construction so please pardon my mess as I feverishly add content. If you see something that doesn’t look right, or just doesn’t work, let me know! You can use the Contact Me link at the top of every page to let me know. is in no way affiliated with the Gysker Telescope manufacturer. All rights and trademarks used are those of their respective owners. If you click on a link on these pages I may make a small commission that helps pay for this website. Every click is much appreciated!